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Dr. Linder's Blog


Posted On: February 26, 2017 Author: The Office of Dr. Stuart Linder Posted In: Breast Augmentation, Breast Implants, Breast Lift, Liposuction, Mommy Makovers, Plastic Surgery

Patients present to my office weekly requiring total mommy makeovers at a much earlier age. This is associated with pregnancy and history of breastfeeding. The case below is a patient who is only 25 years old, who presents with bilateral breast dysphoria, involutional upper pole atrophy, and loss of upper fullness of her breast. She is an excellent candidate for augmentation mammoplasty procedure using a high profile saline implant under the muscle in the dual plane technique in order to obtain upper pole fullness. Her lower abdominal area shows skin laxity with some lipodystrophy at the muffin-top regions.

The patient underwent bilateral augmentation using high profile saline 425 cc Natrelle Allergan implants through the periareolar approach, dual plane and a full abdominoplasty through a tightening of the rectus sheath and liposuctioning of the hips. The frontal view shows slight asymmetry with the right breast slightly smaller than the left and 10 cc more volume was added. It also shows rectus diastasis in the lower abdominal area with the muscles pulled out and a pouching of the lower abdominal region. The side view shows the skin laxity of the abdomen and nicely shows complete flattening of the upper pole of her breast. Her postoperative oblique view shows excellent upper pole fullness with tapering of the implant along the lateral inframammary fold. Her oblique view of the tummy tuck shows nice softening of the hips, well-healed scars around the lower abdominal area and the umbilicus and makes tightening of the rectus sheath in the midline.

Patients under 35, including this 25-year-old, do well with high profile saline implants to enhance the upper pole loss of fullness due to involutional atrophy associated with breastfeeding at a young age and full tummy tucks are excellent procedures for patients who no longer desire to have children in the future.