Becker Breast Implant Removal
Posted On: February 24, 2012 Author: The Office of Dr. Stuart Linder Posted In: Breast Implants, Breast Revision
The patient presented with 36-year-old implants, had no idea as to the specifics or the details of the implant, whether they were silicone or saline. She was told that they were both. Well, in that case, it is consistent with double lumen Becker implants, which are no longer used.
In the operating room it was found that the patient had ruptured external saline from the Becker implant with intact silicone inner lining that had not extruded, but was very, very soft. Notice the two photographs showing that fluid has leaked out completely from the outer saline lumen and that the inner gel is still intact. Becker double lumen implants were used in the 1970s and 80s, they are no longer considered standard of care. We take out implants from women worldwide who have had implants in for over three decades, including ruptured PIP implants, Becker implants and Dow Corning gels, as well as the new saline, Allergan and Mentor silicone gel implants. In any case, any time a patient suspects a rupture, they should see a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, specializing in breast revision surgery.