Hollywood Celebrity Breast Augmentation
Posted On: August 06, 2008 Author: The Office of Dr. Stuart Linder Posted In: Breast Augmentation, Breast Implants, Home
As a Beverly Hills plastic surgeon, I operate on patients of all walks of life. Patients, however, who are in the public’s eye aka Hollywood celebrities, actresses and models, make a living off of their appearance and therefore their breast augmentation surgery must be done perfectly and the judgment of the size of breast implants must be correct.
When patients, especially actresses who are on sitcoms or ongoing television shows consider breast augmentation surgery, it is very important not to go to too large an implant.
We never want to typecast these patients and make them look disproportionately too large, which could actually cause the patients to lose roles and millions of dollars in revenue. Therefore, actresses should be very careful about considering implants that are disproportionately large for their bodies.
Determining Breast Implant Size
The size of the breast implant will be determined by looking at many issues on each female’s body. Remember, all women’s bodies are different. We look at the inframammary fold diameters, we look at the amount of breast tissue and thickness of the pectoralis muscle and we look at the sternal cleavage as well. Breast Implants should be placed behind the muscle whenever possible and silicone breast implants are preferred if the patient is very thin and has minimal amounts of breast tissue such as with Paris Hilton, Nicole Richie or a swimsuit model who is very thin such as in Victoria Secret’s where they would see rippling along the side of the breast.
This is referred to as an ectomorphic build where there is minimal breast issue and this would cause severe rippling and visibility which looks very obvious either naked or in a bikini, especially when leaning forward.
High profile cohesive Mentor gel implants are excellent for very thin Hollywood entertaining actresses / models in order to reduce visibility, palpability and they appear to have a more natural appearance as well.